The Playstation 2 uses co-processor 0 to implement virtual paging. Even without COP0, the Playstation 2 memory map is pretty complex and the mapping can change depending on which processor you use to read the memory from. A simple version of how the default mapping looks from the Emotion Engine side is:
Kosmos - Zerogs Just Evolved.
Final Fantasy X: 35-128 FPS Grandia 3: 37-60 FPS
...Yes you read that correctly, and no it's not April 1st!
Nightmare On Floating Point Street
It is very hard to emulate the floating-point calculations of the R5900 FPU and the Vector Units on an x86 CPU because the Playstation 2 does not follow the IEEE standard. Multiplying two numbers on the FPU, VU, and an x86 processor can give you 3 different results all differing by a couple of bits! Operations like square root and division are even more imprecise.
Introducing Devblogs
Today marks the start of a new section called Blog , this is an area for the development team to write technical articles and day-to-day happenings. This is something we hope you find an interesting read, and a general resource for technical information with an insight into the PCSX2 team.
Fix Fusion
Work has never stopped since the release of PCSX2 0.9.1 , in fact it rarely does 😊
PCSX2 0.9.1 - Release
PCSX2 0.9.1 is now available to download
Level Up! - Erm Speed Up!
In a previous news post we 'hinted' at work being done by zerofrog with regards to a new eeREC (Emotion Engine Recompiler) and vuREC (Vector Unit Recompiler (VU0 and VU1)).
Interview Refraction
Since the release of 0.9 the developers have worked hard to improve PCSX2. Looking at the progress zerofrog is making, the future looks very promising.
100,000 Visitors - Present For You!
With 100,000 unique visitors having visited this site in it's short time online (13 days), both myself and Falcon4ever are happy it's gone so smoothly.
Hot Shots Contest!
A lot is going on at the moment, behind the scenes - quietly in dark dank corners of the world, zerofrog barely ever blinking is re-writing the eeREC and vuREC...